Clothing system update

Clothing,weapon and more

Greetings, Finally, as promised: a video with disguise & clothing system! You can change up to 7 clothing types:

  • Mask
  • Helmet
  • Chest
  • Armor
  • Belt
  • Pants
  • Boots How? From the corpses of other players or just by finding clothes on the map. Remember, playtest will begin June 2-3, and it will have a few things that will be different than in the early access version of the game:
  • This is a TEST, so we want to check core mechanics and show some progress to the community. IMPORTANT: Some of the additional mechanics will be disabled for the playtest, but will be available in early access. SO WE WANT TO FIND ALL BUGS! Or at least most of them, to start early access perfectly with all content.
  • Respawn as support task forces (like NTF in SCP:CB) is not ready for the playtest (but will be available in early access).
  • There is only one playable SCP for the playtest: SCP-280, and it's a very weird-scary-shady one.
  • All SCP items will exist as an objective, but will not have special powers in the playtest. (No, you cant use the katana or break SCP-009's glass. Only in early access - we hope so.)
  • Human quests may be changed in early access. Also, a few updates:
  • Now spectators can even join the sessions that have begun, so you don't have to wait for them to end.
  • NEW GUN! For more situational fights. Video coming soon.
  • More clothes for MORE STYLISH DISGUISES! (Please don't mix CLASS-D clothes with the Security Guard ones, you will be shot.)
  • New armor type: HEAVY ARMOR! (But no worries, you will die from shock faster than from bleeding.)
  • In-game settings have been updated. Now you can change music and in-game sound volume.