Games Gathering 2021

Games Gathering 2021 gaming conference in Kiev.

Good day, dear subscribers. Today is December 13th, it's time for a report on our work for the last month.

In November, tests were successfully conducted on the multiplayer game, at the moment the multiplayer is playable and waiting for improvements. Now the multiplayer is functioning in its basic form, soon our team will finalize it to support roles and rounds, and also bring it to the golden mean between optimized work and the number of mechanics.

The artists, replenished with new faces, is now making sketches of various locations and chambers for SCP-objects, continues to work on new rooms and also develops new props to fill the underground complex.

I would also like to mention the Games Gathering 2021 gaming conference in Kiev, which our team members were able to successfully attend:

A powerful lecture from the producer of Cyberpunk 2077 & The Witcher, unbelieveable feedback from people on the closed demo of our game, huge community and large number of people who may soon become part of our team. Well, as a worthy finale, David Mullich himself, the producer of Heroes of Might and Magic, played our demo and wished us not to stop there.

Many thanks to our [EVENT CLASSIFIED] team.

Games Gathering 2021